Library History Timeline
Information compiled from: Pecatonica Leader/Blade archives, WI DPI Annual reports, Argyle Library board minutes, “Second to None” by Dennis G. Dillon, written accounts by Minnie Hawley, and

The Library Company of Philadelphia is founded by Benjamin Franklin. It is the first lending library in America.

The first session of Wisconsin territorial legislature takes place in Belmont. The legislation authorizes $5,000 to purchase books for a library. This was the start of the Wisconsin State Library, Wisconsin’s first library.
A library is established at the Platteville Academy.

The State Historical Society of Wisconsin is established.
The University of Wisconsin Library in Madison is established.
Wisconsin’s law authorizing the establishment of free public libraries is enacted. It is based on a similar law passed the same year in Illinois.
The Milwaukee Public Library is founded.
Argyle citizens sold stock of $4 to start a library. The Argyle Library Association is formed in 1881.

With a $100 beginning, the association bought books and a shelf which was housed in the back of Dr. Thurston’s drug store

Libraries throughout Wisconsin join the national effort to raise funds for books and library services for armed forces.
Argyle Women’s Club spearheads efforts to restart the library.

Argyle resident, Frank Waddington, planned to build his own library in Argyle as a family memorial but was convinced by residents to instead build a Memorial Community Building.
Campfire girls raise $66 through door-to-door donations and the Women’s Club donated $30 to the effort. With $100, the library reopened in the Rossing building. The village paid the first 3 months’ rent, and a library board was established.
The library moves to a 260 square foot room in the upstairs of the community building (current Argyle PD office).
Argyle Village appropriated $250 towards the library and has supported it financially ever since, except for 3 years during the Depression where the Frank Waddington estate and Argyle Women’s Club fundraisers raised library funds.
“Miss Fair”, the visiting librarian from the Wisconsin Library Commission visits Argyle to give “suggestions in regards to the library."
Board members included: Mrs. Berget, Professor Fogo, Mr. Gaskill, Mrs. Mabelle Darrow.
Alice Setivate donates new curtains for the library.
Library Magazine Subscriptions (total cost $17.15): American Girl , Boys Life, Good Housekeeping, Literary Digest, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, Women’s World
Board Members included: Mrs. Ervine Gilbertson (President), Mrs. WV Baker (Secretary), Mrs. Holzman, Mr. La Vasson, Mr. Thompson.
The State Bank of Argyle closed its doors owing the library its checking account of $62.28, special accounts $25.00.
Nonresident users are charged $1/year for library services.
Board Members included: Mrs. Howard Johnson, Mrs. A. Rossing, Principal CF Thompson, Mrs. J McGinnity.
Library Director Cordelia Holmen
Board Members included: Elise Zeilesdorf, Minnie Greenwood, Bertha Mueller.
Library Director Mrs. Glen Gordee
Board Members included: Mrs. Elise Ross, Miss Eva Monson, Miss Bertha Mueller.
State Library Commission establishes a Library Service Center in Fennimore.
Board Members included: Mrs. Minnie Hawley and Ms. Eva Monson.
Library Director Minnie Hawley
Argyle joins library consortium
Library Director Mrs. Violet Guildhaug / Hendrickson
Library Director Mrs. Everett Hanson
Library Director Mrs. Michael Flanagan
The library is closed throughout January for remodeling. The library moves from its upstairs location to its current downstairs location.
Mr. Novinksi, editor of the Blade-Atlas, offers the complete file of the Argyle Atlas since its inception to be housed at the Argyle Public Library.

A typewriter is purchased for use of staff at library.
Library open hours: Tuesdays 2-5 & Friday 7-9
Staff member Shelly Jo Meyer
Board Members included: Mrs. Richard Hunter, Mrs. Kermit Watkins, Mrs. Bertha Mueller, Mr. Bredeson, Mr. Gerald Olson
After many months of deliberation, the board decides to purchase The Compton’s Encyclopedia
Board votes to increase librarian wages to $3.00/ hour

The Argyle Library orders audio/visual equipment. With a $1,000 federal grant, the library purchased a cassette player, record player and headset. The remaining balance was used to purchase cassettes & records.
Board Members included: Eleanor Pederson, Diane Waage, and Wilma Hain
“Talking books” become available for loan
Florence County becomes the last county in the state to become part of the public library system
Board Members included: Virginia Hodgson (president), Marian Auestad, Kay McDonald, Anne Emery
Millie Kammerude attends a “know-your-library” event with Laverne Kammerude’s paintings on display (60 people attend)
Helen Disrud, library assistant, retires
Community Building renovation & expansion of library
Jackie Whitmar, library director of 41 years, retires
Michelle Bruehlman serves as interim library director
Carol McDaniel becomes library director
Lit Fit, a junior high book group meets
first annual April Smart Money Week commemorated by Lafayette County libraries
Sarah Kyrie becomes library director

first annual Argyle Community Knit project complete- scarf for school Turtle
The Argyle-Adams Fire Department and Argyle EMS jointly acquired the lot north of the Argyle EMS building for a future building site.
Dorothy Dammen, longtime library staff member retires
In the summer of 2021, the library board formed a Building Committee with the mission to move the library into a fully accessible space to better serve the needs of all patrons. Many of the 15 committee members toured other southwestern Wisconsin libraries that recently built or remodeled their facilities to learn from their experience and see what was working well.
In April 2022, the Friends of the Argyle Public Library formed as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization to help provide support in seeking a new space for the library and to provide ongoing support for library projects and programs.
In June 2022, FEH architect, Christy Monk, came to Argyle and gave her first presentation about how the library could move forward with finding a new space.
In June 2023, the Three-way Committee operating the Argyle-Adams Fire Department moved forward to engage Delta 3 Engineering to design a new facility to house the Fire Department, EMS, and a community meeting room.
In July 2023, the Argyle Public Library Board of Trustees approved engaging FEH Design to evaluate and provide specific costs for three sites that will provide objective data to assist the board with its decision on which site to move forward with.